Plaque on the gateway to the abbey at Hospital, Co. Limerick:
"Founded 1215 by Geoffrey de Marisco as a Commandery of Knights Hospitallers. The last master of the Hospitallers, Aneas O'Heffernan, was made Bishop of Emly in 1543. The Knights held lands in Cathair Aine from 1200.
After the dissolution (1540) it was leased with its possessions to William Apsley and afterwards to the Kenmare (Browne) family.
Inside the building are three effigies, one a double tomb of a knight and his lady, another believed to cover the tomb of the founder."
The Cromwellian Settlement of 1653 was a Draconian act to relocate much of the Irish population to a remote part of Ireland. The project failed with only 10% of the people who received certificates of transplantation actually moving. Nevertheless, on 23 January 1653 the following people received "Transplanters Certificates" ordering them to move from their homes: John O'Morrissee, of Shandon [in Co. Waterford], seventeen; brown; low, servant. Morish O'Morrissee, of the same, fifteen; dark; low; servant. John O'Morrissee, of Usllinkelly, twenty-six; brown; middle; tenant; eight cows, twentie sheepe, ten garrans; five acres of wheat, two of pease. Margaret, his wife, twenty-four; white; middle. William Morissee, of Inchindrisly, eighteen; white; middle; servant.
The Civil Survey of 1654, a survey of people owning one acre or more of land, includes the following:
"Proprietors Barony of Lower Ormond"
Parish of Knigh":
Oliver Morrissy of Carriggonehagh, papist
Parish of Finogh:
Morrogh Morisy of Keiltyomodane, papist
Parish of Ardcrony and Kilruan United:
Katherin Morisy of Killruane, Papist
Slany Morisy of Ballylensy in the Co. of Kilkenny, Papist
Poll Money Book 1660:
Residents of the South Suburb of Clonmel:
Walter Morrissie, Labour 2s
Margarett, his wife 2s
Poll Money Book 1661:
Residents of the East Suburb of Clonmel:
Willia Morrishy, Taylor 6s
Joane, his wife 2s
Newfoundland Gazeteer, 30 June 1819:
William Morrissey, 5 ft. 9, dark hair and complexion, 35, thin face, wearing pea jacket and blue trousers, deserted from the services of James Clift.
1821 Census-Co. Tipperary:
Townland of Camas:
Morrissey, Timothy, age 30, head of family, Occupation: Apothecary
Morrissey, Ed, age 23, his brother, Occupation: Apothecary
Morrissey, Ellen, age 32, Occupation: Nurse
Connaught Journal, Galway, Ireland, September 1, 1823:
August 23-At two o'clock yesterday, James CONNELL and John DUNDON, were hanged in front of the County Gaol, for attacking the house of Dennis Morrissy, a farmer, at Cappanahane, when MORRISSY, after making a spirited resistance, was murdered by Daniel CONNELL, their companion, and for which he was executed a few weeks ago. The unfortunate culprits ascended the platform with a degree of firmness, but with the most apparent penitence. Whilst the ropes were adjusting, they emphatically said they were guilty of the crime for which they were justly to suffer, forgave their persecutors, and trusted through the mercy of Christ for pardon. They were then launched into eternity.
Clonmel Assizes March 1829, summary of the accused, the crime and the verdict includes:
Thomas Neal and Stephen Morrissey for stealing wool, property of Michael Connell. "This persecutor had eighteen sheep stripped of their wool on the night of the 10th instant." -guilty- transportation for 7 years.
Newfoundland Gazeteer, 10 October 1828:
John Morrissey petitioned the government for a land grant at Cape Broyle and Admiral's Cove.
Patrick Morrissy and his wife Mary Phelan, and family, move from Co. Tipperary to New Brunswick, Canada.
Newfoundland Gazeteer, 24 October 1836:
James Morrissey's name was on a list of those requesting to be nominated to run for election in the House of Assembly, at Harbor Grace.
Matthew Morrissey's name was on a list of licensed publicans.
Newfoundland Gazeteer, 1840:
Mary Morrissey's name was on a list with many other people requesting money from the government to defray the cost for supporting "two women and others."
Clonmel Assizes, 21 July 1846:
Daniel Morrissey, age 31, was tried for "assaulting police escorting flour and robbery." He was sentenced to "transportation (to Australia) for seven years."
Died in Quarantine on board ship at Grosse Ile, or in transit at sea: Ellen Morrissey, age one year, aboard the Alert which arrived at Quebec City from Waterford on 15 July 1847. William Morrissey, age 21, from Limerick, aboard the Vanilia, which arrived on 11 July 1847.
Report on Vessels Boarded at the Quarantine Station, Grosse Isle:
Ellen Morrissey, age 10, who arrived from Youghal, Ireland, aboard the Penelope, and was admitted to hospital on 22 May 1847. Died of typhus fever on 6 July 1847. Her possessions were "taken by her niece."
Property Owners, Co. Tipperary, 1870:
Tobias Morrissey, Tipperary, one acre
Co. Tipperary Death Records:
James Morrissey, age 80, Bachelor, death location Mullinahone, heart failure,
on 29 April 1899, informed by Thomas Morrissey (nephew)
The Cork Examiner, 24 December 1881:
Included in a lengthy list of contributors to "The Political Prisoners' Maintenance Fund":
Denis Morrissey
Men of the Newfoundland Regiment who died on 1 July 1916:
Pte. John Thomas Morrissey, age 25, son of Lawrence and Catherine Morrissey of 46 Wickford Street, St. John's.
Harvard Graduates living in 1919:
Morrissey, Daniel Leo, M.D., of Bristol, Rhode Island
Morrissey, Edward Patrick H., Dentist, of 584 Columbia Rd., Dorchester, Mass.
Morrissey, John Henry, Jr., M.D., of Bristol, Rhode Island
Morrissey, William Francis, of 166 L. Street, South Boston, Mass.
Elected to the House of Commons, Ottawa, in 1921:
John Veraker Morrissy, for Northumberland riding, New Brunswick.
Elected to the House of Commons, Ottawa, in 1926:
Charles Joseph Morrissy, for Northumberland riding, New Brunswick.
Graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1970:
John R. Morrissey of Montreal, Quebec
Montreal Gazette, 29 April 2001:
John Kalbfleisch, in his Montreal Gazette "Second Draft" column writes:
"Anne Molson was friendly with William Dawson, who since 1855 had been McGill's principal. In 1864, she urged Dawson to establish a gold medal to be awarded annually to the best student in physics, mathematics and physical science. She selected the medal's design and, at her father's insistence, saw that it was named the Anne Molson Gold medal. (It is awarded to this day. The 2000 winner was David Morrissey.)"
Graduated from The University of Western Ontario, June 2003:
Heather Morrissey
Graduated from Concordia University, Montreal, June 2003:
Jake W. Morrissey, BA Honours English with Distinction
Graduated from McGill University, Montreal, June 2005:
Jake W. Morrissey, MA English, Dean's Honour List